What some Lokals say about us
6 reviews
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We look forward to reading this so very much!! Lovely, informative, positive stories!! I have many friends who feel the same. Give yourself a treat, read Stillwater Lokal Life!
It is very refreshing to see a new newspaper in Stillwater that is actually committed to providing NEWS that we in this community actually care about. Thanks Nate and your team for being truly LOKAL. You all are the best. SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PAPER AND SHOW THE REST WHAT REALLY MATTERS.
I love getting see and read about local things happening in the Stillwater community.
I really enjoy getting my monthly issue delivered to me, and I find the articles very interesting.
Stillwater Lokal Life is truly the best little newspaper around. Always prompt delivery. Always a good assortment of articles. No yellow journalism. We look forward to reading it and recommend it to all our friends. Linda and Ken
Absolutely the best NEWS paper to come to Stillwater in many a year. Full of LOKAL news, not national filler and junk, but news about this wonderful, vibrant and fast growing city! Read & believe!